Immigration Matters: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Questions on work and residence permits in Tanzania
Also issues related to types of visas (ranging from Tourist to Business visas) and their eligibility criteria vis-à-vis scope and limitations of application
1. What is a Short Term Permit (STPs)?
A Short Term Permit is a permit is a Work Permit issued to an applicant who wishes to enter Tanzania and engage in an employment that would not last for more than six months.
2. Which authority should I apply for Short Term Permit?
An application for a Short Term Permit should be lodged with the Labour Commissioner at the Ministry of Employment, Labour and Youth Development.
3. After being issued with a Short Term Permit should I apply for a Residence Permit?
Yes, once a Short Term Permit is issued it is mandatory that the applicant should also apply for Residence Permit. The essence of this procedure being that, Short Term Permit only gives a foreigner authority to work in Tanzania but the same does not give the applicant authority to reside in Tanzania.
4. Which Authority should I apply for Residence Permit after being issued with the Short Term Permit?
After the applicant is issued with a Short Term Permit s/he should lodge an application for Residence Permit with the Commissioner-General of Immigration at the Immigration Department.
5. What the validity period is for a Residence Permit as issued to the holder of the Short Term Permit?
The duration of a Residence Permit issued to the holder of a Short Term Permit is two (2) years.
6. When the Short Term Permit has expired can I renew it for a further period?
No. Short Term Permit is not renewable. Once the permit has expired the holder will be required to surrender the STP at the office of the Labour Commissioner and leave the country.
7. What are the required documents for an application of a Short Term Permit?
An application for a Short Term Permit should be accompanied with the following documents:
- Application Form
- Cover letter
- Invitation letter/ Employment Contract
- Copy of Applicant’s Passport
- 3 recent Passport size photographs with blue background
- Copies of Academic/Professional Certificates
- Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association
- Copy of a Certificate of Incorporation of Employer
- Copy of a Business License
- Copy of Tax Identification Number (TIN) Certificate
- Copy of Value Added Tax (VAT Certificate (if any)
8. What is the fee for a Short Term Permit?
The application fee for a Short Term Permit is United States Dollars Five hundred (USD 500) only. The fee should be paid prior to lodging the application.
9. What is the fee for Residence Permit applied by the holder of a Short Term Permit?
Once the Short Term Permit is issued the holder will be required to pay United Dollars Two Thousand and fifty (USD 2050) only as an application fee for a Residence Permit. The fee should be paid after the application is lodged and approved by the Commissioner-General of The Immigration Department.
10. Can a holder of a Short Term Permit which has not expired leave and re-enter Tanzania using the same Short Term Permit?
Yes. The holder of a Short Term Permit can leave and re-enter Tanzania using the same Short Term Permit as long as the permit period has not expired.
11. Are Business visa operative in Tanzania?
Yes, Business Visa are operative in Tanzania. They were formerly abolished when Carrying on Temporary Assignment (CTA) passes were introduced. When CTAs were abolished back in December, 2015, the Business Visa were officially re-introduced on 25th January, 2016.
12. Who is eligible person for a Business Visa?
A Business Visa is issued to a person who is desirous of coming to Tanzania for purposes of being engaged in short-term assignments (work) that will not last for more than three months.
13. Can a holder of a Business Visa which has not expired leave Tanzania and come back using the same Business Visa?
Yes and no depending on the country to which the holder is going to. The holder of a Business Visa can leave and re-enter Tanzania by the same visa which had not expired if the country of destination is among the six East African partner states i.e Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia and Ethiopia.
If the holder of a Business Visa leaves Tanzania to a country which is not among the East African partner states s/he would not be able to re-enter Tanzania using the same Business Visa. S/he will be required to obtain another Business Visa.
14. Where should I obtain a Business Visa?
A Business Visa can be issued at the point of entrance (the Airport, the port etc.) or prior the applicant’s entry in Tanzania or even when the applicant has already entered Tanzania and is in possession of a tourist visa.
15. What is the duration of a Business Visa and the application fee?
The validity period of a Business Visa is three (3) months. The application fee for the Business visa is United States Dollars two hundred dollars (USD 200) only for applicants who originate from countries which are partners with Tanzania in Regional Integrations like South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi and so forth.
For other nationals whose countries are not partners with Tanzania in Regional Integrations, the application fee for a Business Visa is United States Dollars two hundred and fifty (USD 250) only.
16. Is a Business Visa renewable?
No. Once the three months expire the holder of the expired Visa shall leave the country.
17. What is a Multiple Entry Visa?
A Multiple Entry Visa is a visa granted to persons who by nature of their businesses or circumstances require making frequent visits to Tanzania.
This visa allows the holder to enter and re-enter Tanzania subject to validity of the visa and provided that a single stay of the holder should not exceed three months.
18. What is the duration of a Multiple Entry Visa?
A Multiple Entry Visa can be granted for three, six or twelve months.
19. If a foreigner needs to be engaged in employment in Tanzania for more than six months, what permit should he apply for?
A foreigner that prospects to be employed in Tanzania for more than six months should apply for a Long Term Work Permit whose duration is two (2) years.
20. What is the application fee for a long Term Permit?
The application fee for a long term Work Permit varies depending on the kind of profession the applicant prospects to be employed in. If the applicant prospects to be employed in specified fields like: Teaching or Lecturering in Mathematics or Science, employed in oil and gas field or in Religious institution then the application fee is United States Dollars Five Hundred (USD 500) only.
If the Applicant prospects to be employed in other fields which have not been specified, then the application fee is United States Dollars One Thousand (USD 1000) only.
21. What are the categories of Long Term Work Permit and their fees?
There are four (4) categories of Long Term Work Permit. These are;
i. Category A: This is a Permit issued to a foreigner who wishes to start his own business in Tanzania (Investor and self-employed foreigner).The application fee is USD 1000.
ii. Category B: This is a Permit for Non – Citizens in possession of prescribed professions (Medical and Health Care Professionals, Experts in Oil & Gas, Teachers and University Lectures in Science and Mathematics). The application fee is USD 500.
iii. Category C: This is Permit for Non – Citizens in possession of other professions. The application fee is USD 1000.
iv. Category D: This is Permit for Non – Citizens employed or engaged in registered religious and charitable organizations. The application fee is USD 500.
v. Category E: This is a permit issued to a refugee. It is issued free of charge.
22. Should the holder of a Long Term Work Permit apply for a Residence Permit after being issued with the Long Term Work Permit?
Yes. The holder of a Long Term Work Permit shall apply for a Residence Permit at the Immigration Department as the Long Term Work Permit only gives the applicant authority to work in Tanzania but not to reside in Tanzania.
23. Have the categories and fees of Residence Permit changed?
No. The categories and fees of Residence Permits have not changed, they have remained just as they were before. (Refer to the Immigration Department website).
24. If a foreign employee needs to change employers in Tanzania does he have to apply for another permit?
Yes. If a non-citizen employee is engaged by one employer in Tanzania and s/he needs to shift to another employer in Tanzania he should apply for another Work Permit and surrender the former permit.
25. Can family members of the applicant be included in the Long-Term Work Permit application?
Yes, family members of the applicant can be included in his Work Permit under certain conditions. Family members who are dependent on the applicant for their living and well-being like the wife, children, parents and grandparents can be included in the applicant’s Residence permit application as dependants and will be granted Dependant Passes. It should be noted that, these family members shall not engage themselves in any employment in Tanzania, the children must be under eighteen years of age and parents/grandparents must be one hundred percent dependent on the applicant. Moreover, the applicant must have conducive income to support his dependant (s).
26. Is there an additional fee for including a dependant in the Residence Permit?
Yes. For each dependant the fee of United States Dollars fifty (50) only must be paid. .
27. Can a holder of a Residence Permit include a dependant who was not included in his permit? How?
Yes. The holder of a Residence Permit can include a Dependant in his permit by making an application for a Dependant Pass and paying the application fee of United States Dollars Five hundred and fifty (USD 550) only upon approval for the same.
28. What is the validity period of a Dependant Pass?
The duration of a Dependant Pass is two (2) years.
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